March 31, 2010

Mar 31: Overlay Experiment

I've seen a lot of artists creating diptychs from a single image. Triptychs too.
I want to use a systematical approach to create my own.

For a nice example, check out this photographer's latest post.
She creates 3 beautiful images from one, leaving them connected in a triptych.
Her method is more freehand, eyeballing where the divisions should be.

I plan to use math to create my own beautiful images from one large one.
Here goes nothin'......

Cutting images directly in half, or in thirds, seems too easy for this. (And the math is boring.)
Let's instead use the Golden Ratio to divide my images: 1.618. Or, inverted: .618
Here's a cool link for you to see the number I will use.

First, let's create the overlay using the Golden Ratio. Each bisecting line cuts the rectangle .618 of the way across. (Cut out a square, then another from the remaining rectangle, then another, and so on.)

Hmm. I don't like the weighting. So let's reverse the divisions. Instead of always creating squares from the small side, let's create rectangles from the large side, still using the same Golden Ratio.
(blah blah blah math blah blah blah, just look at the reversed overlay)

This looks more promising.
Let's test is on this image.

Using the first overlay:

Boring. Now, using the second overlay:

That's pretty good.

Let's try it on another image.

I'll flip the overlay this time, but it uses the same ratios.

How about something more sporty.

I'll rotate the overlay, without changing any scale.

One more.

Just missed that one.

It seems this works pretty well so far. I'm rather amazed.
I should test this more on other images and see if there's some correlation.
Does it work on any image, or just strong ones with many areas of interest?

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